Why am I So Tired with Diverticulitis?

Why am I So Tired with Diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis can be bad on its own, but when combined with extreme tiredness, it can be a lot worse. If you have diverticulitis and feel unusually tired, you are not the only one.

So, are you asking, “If I have diverticulitis, why am I so tired with Diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis can make you feel tired because of dehydration, anemia, not being able to sleep, depression, obesity, allergic reactions, pregnancy, getting older, drinking alcohol, taking antibiotics, and taking other medicines. If you’re still not sure, this article goes into detail about each of them. So! Let’s read the next article to clear up your doubts and make you feel better.

Why Am I So Tired With Diverticulitis: Reasons Explained?

In addition to your diverticulitis, there are other things that could be making you tired. Here are a few of the reasons why.

Body is Dehydrated

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One of the most important things we keep failing to do is keep our bodies hydrated. Almost 60% of our bodies are made up of water. If you’re not drinking enough water, you might feel more tired and weak than usual. We can lose more water when we are sick or have an infection.

If you don’t take extra care to drink enough fluids when you have diverticulitis, it can make you dehydrated quickly. This will make you feel very tired and weak all the time. Check with your doctor to see if you are getting the right amount of fluids throughout the day so that your diverticulitis doesn’t make you feel unusually tired.


Diverticulitis is an asymptomatic condition, which means that it is a disease that has few or no symptoms. Diverticulitis is a problem with the colon. Diverticulosis is what leads to diverticulitis. Diverticulosis is when pouches form in the wall of the colon and can become inflamed. It’s a pretty common problem, but it’s still hard to understand.


If we don’t get enough iron in our food, our bodies can’t make enough red blood cells. Red blood cells are very important because they carry oxygen to all of the body’s cells. Without red blood, the cell body doesn’t get the oxygen it needs, which makes you tired and worn out.

If you have a mild case of anemia, you can try to raise your hemoglobin levels with home remedies. Diverticulitis and other diseases that cause poor digestion can also make it hard for your body to absorb certain nutrients from the food you eat.

Inability to Sleep 

Diverticulitis is a disease of the digestive tract that makes it swell up. Any kind of inflammation can make it hard to sleep normally. So, having diverticulitis can make it hard for you to sleep at night. If you don’t get enough sleep, you may also feel unusually tired on top of having diverticulitis.

If you don’t get enough sleep, your body doesn’t get enough hormones like somatotropin, which helps the body heal. Diverticulitis messes up both your sleep cycles and your body’s healing cycles. This makes you tired in the end.


Diverticulitis is when the small bumps in the large intestine get inflamed. People have said it’s an asymptomatic disease, but it has a number of signs. A study shows that about half of people with diverticula have long-term blood loss, blockage, perforation, or a fistula.

There could be other symptoms that vary from person to person or age group to age group. These include abdominal pain, fever, constipation, and blood in the stool.

Fail to sleep

Diverticulitis is an inflammation of the digestive tract. Because of this inflammation, you might not be able to sleep. So, if you have diverticulitis, you might find it hard to sleep at night.

Also, not getting enough sleep makes you feel even more tired because it gets rid of the somatotropin hormone, which helps your body heal.


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Some people get depressed because they have a long-term health problem or a serious illness. Some of the most obvious signs of depression are-

  • Loss of interest in day-to-day things
  • Lose weight
  • Weight gain
  • Not being able to sleep
  • Fatigue

Depression can make you feel tired all the time and leave you without the energy to do daily tasks. Diverticulitis is a disease that can make it hard for a person to do normal things. So, having chronic diverticulitis can make you feel sad.

As part of your treatment for diverticulitis, your doctor might suggest antidepressants. Your doctor can also suggest psychotherapy, which is when you talk to a trained professional about how you feel. This can help you feel better.


Diverticulitis is an inflammation of the colon that can come from a number of different things. Diverticulitis can be caused by eating badly, not getting enough fiber, and living in a bad way. Some injuries, genetics, and medical conditions can also cause it. When someone has diverticulitis, a lot of the time they need surgery to take out some of their colons.

The following things have been found to be possible causes of diverticulitis by empirical research:

  • Corticosteroid
  • Long-term nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • Excessive opiate use

They may also need to take antibiotics every day to keep attacks from happening. The disease can cause scar tissue to form on the intestines of some people. Diverticulitis is more likely to happen if you strain, are overweight, have a history of diverticulosis in your family, or have had surgery to remove part of your large intestine.

Diverticulitis can happen at any age, but it is most common in older people. Older people make up a large portion of those who have it. Diverticulitis is thought to happen about 1 million times a year in the United States. Diverticulitis seems to happen less often in people who eat a lot of fiber.

Obesity or Overweight

Being overweight or obese can cause health problems like heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, and sleep apnea, among others. More than that, these diseases can make you tired, especially if you have diverticulitis.

Also, being overweight makes you more likely to get diverticulitis. So, it’s important to keep your weight under control to avoid getting sick or having other problems. Your doctor, dietitian, or nutritionist can help you come up with a plan to lose weight.

Allergic reactions

When you have diverticulitis, you can’t eat a lot of different foods. Also, more people are allergic to certain foods, which makes things even more complicated.

Diverticulitis can cause severe allergic reactions that can make you very uncomfortable and tired. So, let your doctor know about your allergies before you get treated.


Pregnancy can be tiring because your body has to take care of both you and your baby. When you’re pregnant, your body needs more food and energy than usual. This can make you feel even more exhausted.

If you are pregnant and have diverticulitis, you should talk to your doctor. Your doctor can give you medicine that will help you better deal with both your pregnancy and your diverticulitis.


Diverticulitis can be diagnosed based on two symptoms that are most likely to be caused by this disease. One is a pain in the lower left part of the abdomen, and the other is a tenderness that makes you want to throw up. In these situations, you need a careful physical history and exam before you can get more medicines.

A survey shows that 72.7% of people agree with this treatment suggestion. 6.5% say that these ideas could change the way they are currently being treated, while 20.6% say that changing the way they are being treated is not a good idea.


As people get older, their bodies go through many changes that make them more likely to get certain long-term illnesses. Also, as we age, our bodies get more tired than they used to be. Because of this, older people tend to get diverticulitis more often than younger people.

Antibiotic Intake

Antibiotics can be used to treat skin infections, lung infections, sinus problems, and urinary tract infections, among other things. But some antibiotics have side effects like making you very tired. Antibiotics are often used to treat people who have diverticulitis. They can have side effects like making you tired.

One reason antibiotics might make you tired is that they change the normal balance of microbiomes, especially in the gut. This can make it hard for the body to absorb nutrients, which can make you feel tired.


Diverticulitis is a common disease of the digestive system that happens when the intestine gets sick. It’s important to eat well and stay away from foods that can make the condition worse.

Some of the best ways to avoid getting this disease are to eat a diet high in fiber, drink a lot of water, and stay at a healthy weight. Research shows that Statin therapy and Calcium channel blockers may help reduce the risks that are always there.

Diverticulitis can be stopped from happening by:

  • A regular nutritious diet
  • Trying not to get fat
  • Keeping your body weight at a healthy level
  • High-fiber foods can help you avoid constipation.
  • Getting rid of bowel inflammation
  • Antispasmodics can be used sometimes to stop the pain. Tiredness might also be helped by drugs that make you sleepy. Before taking antispasmodics and sedatives, however, you should talk to a doctor or other health care provider.

How to Manage Diverticulitis and Tiredness?

  • If you have diverticulitis and always feel tired, try to drink a lot of water. It will help you feel less tired and stay hydrated, too.
  • Eat well and take care of your health. It’s never a good idea to only eat certain foods that are high in protein. Your diet needs to have a good mix of fats, carbs, vitamins, fiber, and proteins.
  • Get proper sleep. A healthy body needs between 6 and 8 hours of sleep each night. Getting enough sleep will also help the body work better and lower the risk of many diseases.
  • When you exercise right, your body will make more of the hormones that make you feel calm and happy. It also gives you more energy, gets rid of toxins, and improves circulation all over your body.
  • Yoga and meditation are good ways to deal with stress because they help you feel more energized and get rid of your stress.
  • Diverticulitis can make it hard to absorb nutrients, so it’s best to take supplements in addition to what you eat.

But talk to your doctor before you start taking any kind of supplement.

Why Do People Get Tired With Diverticulitis?

People get tired of diverticulitis for many reasons that can’t be answered in a single sentence. Diverticulitis often causes people to lose a lot of blood and feel tired all the time. This makes it hard to sleep when you have this condition.

The pain can be very bad and last for a long time. When the pain is bad, it can be hard to eat or sleep. Because of the pain, a person with diverticulitis may throw up.

Because diverticulitis causes an infection, he or she may also have a fever. Also, the person will feel tired and drained of energy. because of the fever and pressure on the stomach. from the swollen diverticula and the lymph nodes in the groin getting bigger.

When Should You Visit Your Doctor?

Diverticulitis is a medical problem that can’t be fully treated at home. Even if you try all of the tips above, if you still feel very tired throughout the day, you should talk to your doctor about other ways to help.

Diverticulitis Treatment: If you have been told you have diverticulitis, it is important to know how to treat it.

Antibiotics: Most of the time, people with diverticulitis are given antibiotics to get rid of their infection. For mild cases of diverticulitis, antibiotic pills can be taken at home. Patients with severe cases and complications, on the other hand, should get antibiotics through an IV from the hospital.

Bowel Rest: Resting the bowel is also a good way to treat the problem. For a few days, your doctor will tell you to only drink liquids. Some examples are water, clear soups, juices without pulp, plain tea, and plain coffee. Over time, you might be able to eat foods that are easy on your digestive system, like white rice, white pasta, white bread, eggs, cheese, yogurt, and other low-fiber foods.

Surgery: If your diverticulitis has caused serious problems, like a torn intestine or peritonitis, you will need surgery to fix it.


This article tries to answer the question “Why do I feel so tired when I have diverticulitis?” by talking about a number of possible reasons. If you know more about the disease you’re going through, things will be easier for you.

But you should always talk to your doctor if your diverticulitis symptoms and tiredness last for a long time and can’t be helped by the tips above.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Why am I So Tired with Diverticulitis?

Are diverticulosis, diverticular disease, and diverticulitis the same?

Diverticulosis is a condition in which pouch-like structures called diverticula form in the intestine. This condition does not cause any symptoms. Diverticular disease is a condition in which small pouches form in the intestine.

This can cause mild symptoms like an ache in the stomach. Diverticulitis is a medical condition in which an infection or inflammation of the diverticula causes severe symptoms.

Why do diverticula form in the intestine?

When we don’t eat enough fiber, our stools get hard. It becomes very hard to move through the intestine, which puts more pressure on the walls, which can cause them to bulge out and form diverticula.

How long does it take to recover from diverticulitis?

Most cases of diverticulitis that are not too bad can be treated in 7 days. But it may take a little longer to treat chronic diverticulitis.

Is walking good for people with diverticulitis?

Walking is a good way to lower your risk of diverticulitis because it is not too hard on your body.

Can diverticulitis cause extreme fatigue?

Diverticulitis can also cause a high body temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or higher. a feeling of being tired and sick all over. Usually very bad, constant stomach pain.

Do you need bed rest with diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis patients who don’t have any complications can be treated without antibiotics, bed rest, or restrictions on what they can eat. Some patients can even be treated as outpatients.

Why do I feel so ill with diverticulitis?

But sometimes, the little pockets in your colon can get red and swollen or get sick. When these pockets get infected, it can lead to an attack or flare-up called diverticulitis. Diverticulitis can cause sharp pain and other symptoms until it is treated or the swelling goes down.

Can I claim disability for diverticulitis?

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) is a benefit that helps people with health problems or disabilities, like diverticulitis, who have trouble getting or keeping a job.

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