Is Wandering Jew Toxic To Cats?

Is Wandering Jew Toxic To Cats?

If you like house plants and have cats, it’s important to make sure that the plants aren’t harmful to the cats. The Wandering Jew, or Tradescantia, is a tropical plant that grows well in warm climates.

There are about 75 herbaceous perennial species in the Tradescantia genus. This name is used for a few of them. Some are seen as weeds that spread quickly, Others are often used as plants in outdoor gardens. Many of them are popular houseplants that grow in pots.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) says that the wandering jew can be dangerous to cats, dogs, and horses because its leaves and stems have calcium oxalate crystals.

Even if it doesn’t hurt your pet badly, chewing on it can still be uncomfortable. This plant is only slightly dangerous, but it can make cats’ skin or intestines hurt. If your cat or dog ate any part of the plant, especially the stem, it could make them sick or make them throw up.

What Is Wandering Jew?

Wandering Jew is a general name. Wandering Jew for a group of tropical herbaceous plants called Tradescantia. These plants come from central and southern America. It is easy to take care of, which is why it is a popular houseplant.

Depending on the species, it can be a beautiful flowering plant or a plant that grows along the ground. Some species are also thought to spread quickly and are called weeds.

Is Wandering Jew Poisonous To Cats?

Is Wandering Jew Poisonous To Cats

The Wandering Jew, or Tradescantia, is a tropical plant that grows in warm climates. There are about 75 herbaceous perennial species in the Tradescantia genus, which is what this word refers to.

Some are seen as weeds that spread quickly. While others are popular as plants for outdoor gardens. Many of them are popular houseplants that grow in pots. It is a simple plant that can grow in both sun and shade. But growth is best when there is some shade and the soil is not too dry.

Indoor wandering Jews need soil that drains well and a warm place to live. Plants can be cared for in window boxes, hanging baskets, and unique pots. When seen from up high, they look best as they flow down.

Is Wandering Jew Safe For Cats?

Yes, the answer to this question is a resounding YES. The sap in the stems will be irritating to your cat. But there’s no reason to worry about the parts of the plant being dangerous. It is also called Tradescantia, And cats do not like the Wandering Jew Plant.

Most Common Types of Wandering Jew

  • Tradescantia Fluminensis
  • Tradescantia Pallida
  • Tradescantia Zebrina
  1. Tradescantia Flumensis is a perennial plant. With oval leaves that are striped with lilac and green. It grows a three-petaled white flower.
  2. Tradescantia Pallida has long, pointed purple leaves with red or green tips. It grows flowers with three petals that can be purple, white, or pink.
  3. Tradescantia Zebrina is a perennial climbing plant with leaves that are green, gray, and purple in color. It has two gray-white stripes in the middle of its leaves and sometimes pinkish flowers.

What Happens If Cat Eats Wandering Jew?

The ASPCA says that a skin irritation that looks like dermatitis is the most obvious sign that your cat has wandering jew.

Look for these areas on your pet to be affected first:

  • Groin
  • Stomach, due to laying on the plant
  • Under your pet’s chin
  • Any other body part that comes into contact

The wandering jew plant’s sap feels bad on the skin, and if your cat eats it, it can also hurt his or her stomach. So, wandering Jews are thought to be somewhat dangerous plants for people, cats, dogs, horses, and other pets.

Cats have an allergic reaction to the plant sap because it contains calcium oxalate crystals. Most of the fluid is in the stem, but some of it is in the leaves. If the sap gets on your cat’s skin, it could cause a rash that looks like dermatitis. If your cat nibbles on the plant and eats some of the sap, it can cause stomach upset.

Treatment of Wandering Jew Poisoning in Cats

If your cat has skin allergies or irritation in the belly, paws, genital area, or scrotum. Then try one of the solutions below.

  1. Give a bath to your feline if there is any skin allergy or irritation.
  2. If you observe any digestive system-related problem in your pet, then consult your regular vet for this.
  3. Let your cat drink enough water and avoid any movement.
  4. You can also apply aloe vera gel to the allergic area.

How to Keep Your Cat Away from Wandering Jew Plants

Since cats can get sick from the sap of wandering Jews, it is important to keep them away from them. But this is easier to say than to do. Cats are naturally quick and good at getting into hard-to-reach places. You also can’t watch them all the time to make sure they don’t scratch or nibble at the houseplant.

If you put the plant on a flat surface, your cat will probably find a way to get to it. The best way to keep your cat and houseplant safe is to hang the plant somewhere your cat can’t jump to. The best thing to do is hang planters from the ceiling. Make sure your cat can’t use any nearby surfaces to get a good jump on the plant.

Tradescantia likes lots of sun, So hang it near a window. If you don’t cut back the vines that hang down, your cat might still be able to get to them.

How To Treat Wandering Jew Poisoning In Cats?

If your cat scratches too much, your vet will give you an ointment or some medicine to help. A lotion may need to be used two or three times a day,but it has been shown to work.

If your cat scratches a lot, he might get a secondary skin infection that needs medicine to treat. Self-trauma can be lessened by giving. The cat a buster collar and cutting its claws. Depending on what your cat needs, the vet may decide to give him fluids through his veins or under his skin.

This is more likely if his mouth was hurt and he can’t eat or drink. He will stay hydrated while he waits for his symptoms to go away. If his eyes start to hurt, she might tell you to rinse them or give you an ointment or drops to use at home for a few days.


The wandering jew species are popular houseplants because they don’t need much care. However, cats don’t like them because they don’t like cats. The sap of the plant has calcium oxalate crystals in it, which can irritate the skin and bowels of cats, other pets, and even people.

Cats sometimes like to play with houseplants, so if you decide to keep one in your home, you should know the risks. Make sure the plant is in a place where your cat can’t get to it.

Watch out for signs in your cat like itchy skin, vomiting, and diarrhea. This could be a sign that they touched the sap from a wandering jew plant.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Is Wandering Jew Toxic To Cats

Is Wandering Jew Harmful To Cats?

Swedish ivy (Plectranthus), spider plant (Chlorophytum), and inch plant are three of the most common house plants that cats damage (Tradescantia). How Zebrina works, which isn’t dangerous.

Is A Wandering Jew Plant Toxic To Pets?

The ASPCA says that wandering Jew is dangerous for dogs because it causes skin problems and allergies. Most of the time, dogs’ allergies affect their skin, not their lungs.

Is A Wandering Jew Plant Toxic To Pets?

If prayer plants were dangerous to cats, we’d have a much bigger problem on our hands. My cat usually doesn’t care at all about my plants. But the new thing my cat does makes me think about houseplants and pets. Many people think they can’t have plants if they have a pet (and vice versa).

Are Wandering Jew Plants Toxic To Pets?

You and your dog can both get better after being poisoned. This plant by taking oral or topical medication. A wandering jew is an invasive weed that grows quickly and chokes out other plants. It is also dangerous for both people and dogs.

Can A Wandering Jew Be Kept Inside?

During the hot, humid summer months, the wandering jew plant is easy to care for. It’s important to remember that if you leave these plants outside, they will die because they can’t handle the cold. But they can be grown inside. And used as houseplants in the winter.

Can cats be around Wandering Jew plants?

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) says that the wandering jew can be dangerous to cats, dogs, and horses because its leaves and stems have calcium oxalate crystals.

What If My Cat Eats A Wandering Jew?

If a cat nibbles on a plant and then eats some of the sap, it can make them sick. When cats come into contact with wandering jew sap, they may show these signs. If you see any of these signs in your cat, it may be sick. If you see them, you should talk to your vet.

What happens if my cat eats a Wandering Jew plant?

So, I had to ask: Is the wandering jew plant dangerous for cats? In short, the clear answer is YES. The plant’s stems have a sap that will make your cat’s stomach hurt. It is important to remember that eating the leaves usually doesn’t make you sick.

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