Where to Put Toilet Paper Holder in Small Bathroom?

Where to Put Toilet Paper Holder in Small Bathroom?

If you’ve ever remodeled a small bathroom, you know that figuring out where to put the toilet paper holder isn’t always the easiest problem to solve. Small bathrooms often require a lot of creativity to fit a toilet, vanity, and shower stall, and we plan and make sacrifices for these big things. But when your contractor asks you where to put the toilet paper holder, you could be forgiven for dropping the ball (guilty!).

So, let’s get to the heart of the matter. The toilet paper holder needs to be close enough to the toilet bowl that you can reach it. No one wants to get off the toilet after they’ve done their business and stand up to get some toilet paper. This is gross, unclean, and just plain nasty. People, you can’t do that! In a perfect world, the toilet paper holder would be right next to the toilet on the wall.

“As a general rule,” say the experts at Lowes, “toilet paper holders should be about 26 inches above the floor.” It should also be 10 inches from the toilet or in front of it.

If you have that much space and clearance, you’re in good shape. But what if your small bathroom doesn’t have a nearby wall or cabinet where you can put a toilet tissue paper holder? Don’t worry, my friend with a small bathroom. There are a lot of choices, which I’ll talk about below.

Toilet Paper Holder Options for Small Bathrooms

1. Free-Standing Toilet Paper Holders

If you don’t want a toilet paper holder that stays in one place, you can choose one that stands on its own. For example, you can get a floor stand and put it wherever you have room.

Floor stands are great because they can hold your toilet paper roll and give you space to store other things. You can put tissues, wet wipes, or more toilet paper in this space. In fact, you can put anything in there and get two things done at the same time.

Floor stands should be made of stainless steel, just like wall-mounted holders. It will last the longest and still look good after years of use.

As for where to put them, you can put them anywhere you want. You should put them as close to the toilet as possible. But they can also go near the sink, by the tub, or anywhere else there is enough room. As long as you can reach the holder while sitting at least a little bit comfortably, anything is fine.

2. MallBoo Toilet Storage Rack

The Marlboro Toilet Storage Rack not only has a handy place to put the toilet paper, but it also has a lot of vertical storage, which is great for a small bathroom.

The simple design looks great, and you can put a few extra rolls on one of the three shelves to make sure you don’t run out.

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3. Wooden ladder with wire storage

You can put toilet paper, towels, soaps, oils, and other things on a wooden ladder with wire storage spaces. This helps keep the bathroom neat. You can put the heavier things, like oils and soaps, on the lower shelves and the lighter things, like toilet paper, on the upper shelves. Still, when someone is using the toilet, make sure the toilet paper is close by.

4. Mounting Toilet Paper Holder

One of the best places to keep toilet paper is on a shelf that is attached to the wall. By using it, you can save space so that your small bathroom doesn’t look too crowded.

You can also put it on the wall near the bathroom cabinet, above the toilet door, or near the bathtub. Also, try not to put it up too high so you can easily reach it.

5. Baskets

Narrow baskets can be useful for people who don’t have much floor space. You can put a pretty bathroom basket on top of your toilet tank if you buy one. Even though it’s not a real toilet paper holder, it can hold all your rolls and keep them close at all times.

Baskets can hold more than just toilet paper. They can hold anything you need to put away. This includes tissues, towels, and any other toiletries.

Lastly, baskets have a nice look that other types of toilet paper holders don’t have. Baskets are the best choice if you want your room to look cozy and have enough storage space at the same time.

6. iDesign Orbinni Toilet Tissue Roll Compact Squiggle Organizer Caddy

This cool toilet paper holder stands on its own and can be put anywhere. It’s slim and stylish, and it works well. This is the best way to put a toilet paper holder in a small bathroom when you have nowhere else to put it.

7. Using fabric to make a toilet holder

You can make a pouch by cutting a piece of fabric about the width of a roll of toilet paper, rolling it up, and sticking the ends to a wall. Then, to use it, you just slide the toilet paper in and out of the piece of fabric. Before you can use this piece of cloth again, you will need to wash it and let it dry. Because of this, you may need more than one for each toilet to dry it well.

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8. Little Cart Storage

Installing this little cart storage is another way to put a toilet paper holder in a small bathroom. This item has a lot of space, so you can store more than just toilet paper. You can store shampoo, soap, toothpaste, and even skin care products.

You can put it in the corner of the bathroom to make it easier to store all your toiletries.

9. Over the Tank Toilet Paper Organizers

Don’t worry if you have no room on the floor for a holder and can’t mount it anywhere near the toilet. There is still one more thing to try: a toilet paper holder that goes over the tank.

This holder, as its name suggests, goes right on your toilet tank. You just lift the lid of the tank, put the holder on the side, and close the lid. When you put the paper roll on the holder, the weight of the lid will make sure that the holder stays in place. Even though these holders can only hold two rolls at a time, they are still useful.

10. Wall art toilet paper holder

You can make a piece of art by putting pieces of wood together and then stacking toilet paper rolls on top. You can choose one that looks like a cloud and has a cloud shape on the bottom, or one that looks like a box and has a V shape on the bottom.

11. Toilet Paper Stockers

This stocker can fit up to 12 regular rolls of toilet paper. Its length, width, and height, in inches, are 4.9, 13, and 18.9, which means it can fit in even the smallest places. You can put it right next to your toilet so that you always have tissues and paper handy.

This stocker will not only hold your paper, but it will also help you save valuable cabinet space. You can put all of your toilet paper and tissues inside, giving you more room for other bathroom items.

12. Seagrass Paper Holder

This beautiful basket is made of abaca and rattan, and it can be used to hold and give out toilet paper. On the bottom, there are a few rolls of toilet paper. On the top, there is a bar that pulls out the toilet paper. It’s a useful basket made of strong but light materials that will last a long time.

These five will work for you to keep a steady supply of toilet paper in your small bathroom.

13. Doorless Wooden Cabinets

For this task, it’s also a good idea to use a few pieces of wood to make a floor-mounted cabinet with no doors. You can put rolls of toilet paper on the side of this cabinet and other things on top or on the side. You can even put a plant on top of the shelf to improve the look of the bathroom.

14. On the floor

Even though there won’t be much room on the floor of a small toilet, it can be used to hold toilet paper. For the best experience, the toilet paper should be at least 19 inches off the ground and easy to reach. Here are some suggestions.

15. In a corner near the toilet.

If your bathroom is too small for a toilet paper holder that stands alone, put one in the corner next to the toilet. This way, you’ll be able to get to it easily and it won’t take up too much space.

16. On the side of the sink

The side of the sink is another good place for a toilet paper holder. This way, you can get to it when you need to, but it won’t be in the way when you don’t. You can also store things like hand towels or soap in this space.

17. Above the toilet

In a small bathroom, one of the best places to put a toilet paper holder is above the toilet. This will make room on the wall for other things, like a towel rack or a cabinet. If you have enough room, you can also put a shelf above the toilet to store extra supplies.

18. NBKA requirements for toilet paper holders

The holder should be at least 15 inches above the floor and no more than 54 inches from the center of the toilet bowl. It should also be close to the person using it so they don’t have to stretch or lean too far to get a sheet.


These are some ideas for where to put toilet paper holders in bathrooms that aren’t very big. When you only have a small space, you have to be smart about how you use it.

But it would be better if you didn’t put the paper holder on the floor. In other words, you should hang your toilet paper holder on the wall so that the floor feels bigger.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Where to Put Toilet Paper Holder in Small Bathroom?

Where do you put a toilet paper holder in a tight bathroom?

Put your toilet paper holder on a wall 8 to 12 inches away from your toilet bowl. (Use 8 to 9 inches for people who are shorter, like children, and 10 to 12 inches for people who are average height or tall.) A toilet paper holder should be 26 inches from the floor.

What side of the toilet should the toilet paper holder be on?

There is no rule about where a toilet paper holder should be placed in a bathroom or even which side of the toilet it should be on.

Where do you put the toilet rolls in the bathroom?

The NKBA says that a wall-mounted toilet paper holder works best when it is put in the middle and 26 inches above the floor. “On center” means that the middle of the holder is 26 inches above the floor, not the bottom or top.

Where should toilet paper go without the wall?

You can still mount your toilet paper holder on the wall behind the toilet even if you can’t reach the side walls. Set it up about 8 inches higher than the bowl, or about 24 to 26 inches above the floor. If most of your family members are right-handed, put it on the right side of the tank if there’s room on the wall.

Can toilet paper holder go behind the toilet?

In general, the holder can go in front of or to the side of the toilet. But if you don’t have anything to attach it to, you can also put it on the wall behind the toilet seat. You’ll have a harder time getting to the paper, but you can still do it.

Which way should toilet paper face?

After the video, the article goes on. Science says that “over” is the right way to hang toilet paper. Why? Because “under” makes it much more likely that bacteria that cause food poisoning will spread from the bathroom to the rest of the office.

Where should you store toilet paper?

You could put it in a linen closet or towel closet close to your bathroom. This will keep your toilet paper out of the way of leaky faucets and give you more room under your bathroom sink for things that won’t get damaged by water.

How do you store toilet paper and paper towels?

She says, “You can put paper towels in a big basket or line them up in rows in a cabinet or on a pantry shelf.” “If you don’t have much room, put one or two rolls of toilet paper in a bin under your kitchen sink with your other cleaning supplies.”

What does your toilet paper roll say about you?

According to Dr. Carle, “People who are assertive (roll over) are more likely to be in positions of power and to be willing to take charge. People who hang the roll “under” tend to be more submissive. People who are more submissive are more likely to be agreeable, flexible, and caring.”

Is toilet paper supposed to be over or under?

A patent from 1891 by New York businessman Seth Wheeler may finally tell us whether toilet paper goes over or under. As you can see above, the answer is “over,” which doesn’t come as a surprise to the 70 percent of windshield wipers who already prefer this position, according to cnet.com.

What height should the toilet roll holder be?

It should be put about 20 to 25 cm in front of or next to the toilet and about 66 cm off the floor. This should make it easy to reach the holder of the toilet paper. Step 2: Most toilet paper holders come with a template that shows you where to put the wall brackets.

How do you keep bugs out of toilet paper?

Put the toilet paper in a trash can made of heavy-duty plastic with a tight-fitting lid. You can also put mothballs in the bottom of the container to keep “bugs” from getting in. Put toilet paper in Tupperware containers with tight-fitting lids that are strong enough to hold a lot.

Is it OK to use old toilet paper?

Even though the company that makes your toilet paper puts an expiration date on the package, the product lasts much longer than you might think. As long as you don’t get the toilet paper wet or let dust and dirt get into the packaging, the product can last for years or even decades.

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